A hand holding chopsticks

Going Full Circle with Save

When an established brand like RetailMeNot decided to rename itself as Save, it needed to grab the attention of both current and new customers. That’s when the period at the end of the new name smiled at us.

Our solution was to bring the fun-loving brand mark and lots of other circles to life in playful broadcast, digital and social. And we did it 100% in-house, with our animation team creating and incorporating 2D and 3D animations into video shot on-site. All to show that Save is about more than saving money. It’s about spending life happy. Full stop.

Made 100% In-House

Produced out of the Mill, our 15,000 sq. ft. production space just down the road from our Greenville home base, this spot was a labor of home-grown love. From director, DP, producers and set designers to editing and finishing, all was built and created within our walls. This table top production was fueled by our newly renovated commercial kitchen and a revamped workshop that transformed a slot machine from relic to a chicken tender, Bo-tastic dispenser. Top-to-bottom an EP+Co in-house production at it's finest.

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